Blood Reign: Pandora Zwieback, Book 2 Debuts Tomorrow!

Blood Reign: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 2—author Steven A. Roman’s follow-up to the critically acclaimed first Pandora Zwieback novel, Blood Feud—goes on sale tomorrow, February 2, 2015. Pan was certainly left in a bad spot at the conclusion of Blood Feud, but if you’ve read the downloadable Blood Reign preview, you know that the cliffhanger ending Pan faced is only the start of her monster-complicated troubles…and her adventures!

And here’s the final snippet to prepare you for Ms. Zwieback’s highly anticipated return:





Blood Reign: Teaser Snippet #1

Blood Reign: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 2—author Steven A. Roman’s follow-up to the critically acclaimed first Pandora Zwieback novel, Blood Feud—goes on sale Monday, February 2, 2015. And to whet your reading appetite, hot on the heels of yesterday’s reminder for you to download the special Blood Reign preview, here’s a little snippet of the other thrills you’ll find within its pages:


Blood Reign: Read the Sneak Preview

BloodReign_FreebieBlood Reign: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 2, the highly anticipated second part of Goth adventuress Pandora Zwieback’s debut adventure, is scheduled to make its debut on February 2, 2015. But why wait until then to learn how things turned out for Pan after the shocking cliffhanger ending of her first novel, Blood Feud?

Available right now for your reading pleasure is a special Blood Reign preview, which you can download for free from the website of Pan’s publisher, StarWarp Concepts. If you thought Pan suffered a major setback at the end of Blood Feud…well, matters only worsen for her as she finds herself in a brand-new predicament. Then again, it wouldn’t be much of an adventure series if the threats to the protagonist didn’t get bigger along the way, now would it?

Blood Reign: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 2 is written by me: Steven A. Roman, the bestselling author of the novels X-Men: The Chaos Engine Trilogy (based on the mega-successful Marvel Comics franchise) and Final Destination: Dead Man’s Hand (based on the popular horror film series). And when it comes to horror credentials, in addition to Blood Feud and Blood Reign I wrote the critically acclaimed Mature Readers graphic novel Lorelei: Sects and the City (about a succubus fighting a cult of Elder God worshippers), and contributed well-received short stories to the anthologies Best New Zombies Tales 2, The Dead Walk Again!, Tales of the Shadowmen 4: Lords of Terror, and The Almanac of Vampires. So, yes, I know horror. Besides, where do you think Pan got her love of the genre from (other than her fictional dad, David Zwieback, of course)?

Read the Blood Reign preview now, and then get ready for Ms. Zwieback’s triumphant return on February 2, 2015!

Blood Reign: And Now a Word From Our Sponsors…


Blood Reign: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 2—author Steven A. Roman’s highly anticipated follow-up to the critically acclaimed first Pandora Zwieback novel, Blood Feud—goes on sale Monday, February 2, 2015. Don’t miss it!

“Pan is exactly the kind of teen heroine that readers should be standing up and cheering for.”

“Roman has an incredible gift for running lateral plotlines that intersect with a glorious crash.”Monster Librarian

“Roman’s writing is wonderfully crisp, drawing us into a hidden world that is great fun.”Taliesin Meets the Vampires

“Pan is a smart and brave heroine who manages to stay positive and upbeat, despite the obstacles she must overcome.”The Horror Zine

Taking Care of Business

Welcome, Panatics, to a New Year and a new publishing schedule! It’s been a while since you and I talked, and let me deeply apologize for that. But as you saw here from that teaser posted yesterday, there’s some good news that I’m sure you Panatics were greatly interested in… 😉

blood_reign-coverYes, after many delays Blood Reign: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 2 is finally being published, on Monday, February 2nd, and let me thank all of you for your patience. I know I was a right SOB for leaving you where I did with that cliffhanger ending of Book 1, Blood Feud, but now at last you’ll be able to find out what adventures lie ahead for our resident happy Goth.

(By the way, if you can’t wait that long, you can always download the Blood Reign free sample chapter from the StarWarp Concepts website, and discover what happened to Pan directly following Blood Feud’s ending.)

If you head over to the StarWarp Concepts blog and read today’s post—I’ve been referring to it as the State of the StarWarp Concepts Union address—you’ll find out exactly what’s been going on over at Pan’s publisher, as well as what’s going to be happening this year to get things back on track.

As for this blog…well, I’ve got some exciting stuff coming up, as Blood Reign’s release date gets closer. Stay tuned!

I Didn’t Know Pan Had a Little Cousin…


From today’s “One Big Happy” comic strip, by Rick Detorie. It’s a strip I’ve been enjoying for a long time, particularly for the antics that six-year-old Ruthie—the little girl you see here—gets into, dealing with ninja kitties, stalker crows, squirrels that scare her dog, and constant calls to the homework hotline lady. Plus she’s an artist and a writer, so what’s not to like about her?

But it wasn’t until today’s strip that I discovered she can “see” monsters, just like our resident Goth girl, Pandora Zwieback! (Okay, Ruthie’s are imaginary, but still…) “…my head, because that’s where the monsters live!” Well, Pan did think the monsters were all in her head until her shape-shifting mentor, Annie, proved it’s really Pan’s unique gift of “monstervision” that allows her to see the monsters that really exist. And Ruthie’s seeing them at the same age Pan started to…

Yep. Gotta be related. 😀

Angels and Monster Hunters

blood_feudHey, there, lovers of genre television! You may be aware that tonight is the broadcast debut of Dominion on the SyFy Channel. A sequel of sorts to the 2010 Paul Bettany–starring film Legion, the series stars Christopher Egan and Anthony Stewart Head and takes place 25 years into an ongoing war between humanity and God’s army of angels. Well, if angels—either arch or fallen—are your thing, then perhaps we here at ’Warp Central can interest you in a tale of our own that involves those heavenly—and not so heavenly—messengers…

Blood Feud: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 1 is the first novel in a series of adventures starring a teenaged Goth who has the power to see past the human disguises worn by the ever-growing community of monsters (vampires, werewolves, sirens, etc.) that exist in her world, and especially in her New York City hometown. Blood Feud sees Pan, along with her family and friends, get drawn into a war among rival vampire clans for possession of a rare antiquity: the remains of Zaqiel, a fallen angel who once tried to take over the world!

blood_reign-coverBlood Reign: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 2 (on sale later this summer) is the second part of Pan’s epic adventure. Zaqiel is back among the living, badder than ever, and it’s up to Pan and her small band of angel busters—which includes her boyfriend, her best friend, and Zaqiel’s ex-lover, the immortal monster hunter Sebastienne “Annie” Mazarin—to stop the fallen angel from leading his armies of horrors in an all-out assault on humanity.

Visit the Blood Feud and Blood Reign product pages for more information, including sales links and sample chapters.