Happy Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day 2024!

Hey, book lovers! Today marks what would have been the fourteenth annual Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day. Founded in 2010 by author Jessica Milchman, the event, held on the first Saturday in December, was “about instilling a love of bookstores in children so that they will value and support this most precious of resources as they go on to enter and create communities of their own” (according to its website, which unfortunately no longer exists).

Well, with the holidays fast approaching, there’s no better time than now to get youngsters started on their reading journeys, or to encourage it even more, so pardon us if we continue to keep the TYCBD tradition going. After all, kids + reading + brick-and-mortar bookstores = a great combination!

So, get out there and check out your local bookstore (if you have one) with your kids. But even if you don’t have kids, visiting a bookstore isn’t such a bad idea anyway—after all, books make for great holiday presents!

(Photograph by Circe Denyer, courtesy of Public Domain Pictures)