13 Days of Pan-demonium: Alas, Poor Zombies…

Welcome to day 3 of The 13 Days of Pan-demonium, in which we’re celebrating the publication of BLOOD FEUD: THE SAGA OF PANDORA ZWIEBACK, Book 1, on sale right now from StarWarp Concepts and all fine online bookstores.

Today’s artist is: TERESA CHALLENDER!

Those of you who follow indie comics may recognize the art style in the above illustration, but not the name of the artist herself. That’s because Resa used to go by the name Teri S. Wood, famous for her character-driven science fiction comic Wandering Star. (Ahhh, now you remember her!)

I’ve long been a fan of Resa’s art, and when I stumbled upon her new Web site in my Internet travels I was pleased to see she’s still in the game—only now as one of those big-timey webcomic creators all the kids are digging these days. Fortunately, she was able to find time in her busy schedule to present her unique vision of the dreaded Zombie Apocalypse. (Hey, even ravenous dead guys need time off from constant brain-munching to catch up on their reading!)

Currently Resa’s posting a Wandering Star issue each month on her site (she’s up to #4 of 21), but she’s also working on her long-gestating dark-fantasy project, Darklight. You can check out her latest doings at Resa Fantasy Arts.

The 13 Days of Pan-demonium continue! Come back tomorrow to see who our next artistic guest is!

13 Days of Pan-demonium: Are These Ghouls in Trouble, or What?

Welcome to day 2 of The 13 Days of Pan-demonium, in which we’re celebrating the publication of BLOOD FEUD: THE SAGA OF PANDORA ZWIEBACK, Book 1, on sale right now from StarWarp Concepts and all fine online bookstores.

Today’s artist is: JIM COON!

I first saw Jim’s work in his self-published comic 8-Ball—and as so often with any artist, he doesn’t like to be reminded of his early efforts. So just walk off the pain, son!  😉

Years later, I had the pleasure of sitting next to Jim at one of the Small Press Expos that are held every year in Maryland. He didn’t do much business at the show (neither did I), but we and my friend Richard C. White (writer of the comic Troubleshooters, Inc., and the Star Trek e-book Echoes of Coventry) had a fairly good time in the depths of misery. 😀

I hadn’t been in much contact with Jim since those SPX days, but when I started formulating plans for the 13 Days promotion, I knew he was one of then artists I had to approach. And I was right! The Gahan Wilson approach he used for this illo is just great.

Who’s next on our list of amazing artists? Find out tomorrow!

The 13 Days of Pan-demonium Are Here!

Welcome to our artistic celebration of the publication of my novel BLOOD FEUD: THE SAGA OF PANDORA ZWIEBACK, Book 1, which is on sale right now from StarWarp Concepts and all fine online bookstores.

We kick things off with the art of:


DeviantArt visitors may recognize this Madrid-based artist by her pseudonym: Liester.

It was on DA that I came across her incredible manga-influenced work, and quickly became a fan. See, after I’d gotten my own page up and running, one of the first things I did was go searching for “happy Goth” art to add to my Favourites gallery—hoping there actually were happy Goths out there, otherwise I might’ve been in some serious trouble with Pan connecting with any potential fans (her being a happy Goth, and all).

Luckily, one of the first images to pop up was Henar’s “Happy Goths Exist!” It was such a fun piece that I immediately added it to the gallery. And after looking at the rest of her art I decided that if there were ever a Pan-related project, I’d have to approach her and ask her to contribute. And so, here she is to lead off the “13 Days” event!

The piece is called “Pandora Rocks!” Pan and her best friend, Sheena McCarthy (another Goth) attend a death-metal concert starring their favorite band, Sarkophagia. And what an audience turnout! Demons! Gothic Lolita vampire girls! Lollipop-stealing zombies! And keeping an eye on everything is Pan’s monster-hunting mentor, Annie.

It’s fun, it’s vibrant, and I think it’s the perfect piece to unleash all this pan-demonium—don’t you?

What artistic Panterpretation comes next? Stop by here tomorrow to find out!


As the ad copy over at StarWarp Concepts says: Before Edward and Bella, before Lestat and Louis, even before Dracula and Mina, there was the tale of Carmilla and Laura.

CARMILLA is the classic, 19th-century novella of vampiric seduction by J. Sheridan Le Fanu that influenced Bram Stoker’s Dracula, and The ’Warp’s special edition features gorgeous black-and-white illustrations by Eliseu Gouveia, artist of the Pandora Zwieback e-comic. Here’s a sample:

Nice, huh? Carmilla is on sale right now at StarWarp Concepts, so head on over there for more information.

Carmilla has served as the inspiration for hundreds of novels, animated tales, comic books, and horror movies. Don’t believe me? Then check out the films The Vampire Lovers, Blood and Roses, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, The Batman vs. Dracula, even The Asylum’s schlockfest Vampires vs. Zombies!

(Actually, don’t check out that last one—it’s awful!)

Before You Ask…

Yes, I know about the Canadian dark-fantasy TV series Lost Girl, soon to debut on the SyFy Channel. Thanks for bringing it up.  😉

Actually, I didn’t know about it until earlier this year, when Eliseu “Zeu” Gouveia, artist of the Pan e-comic, made me aware of the show’s existence (apparently it’s already aired in Portugal). To quote the show’s Web site:

Lost Girl follows supernatural seductress Bo, a Succubus who feeds on the sexual energy of humans…. With the help of her human sidekick, Kenzi, and Dyson, a sexy police detective, Bo takes on a challenge every week helping a Fae or human client who comes to her to solve a mystery, or to right a wrong.”

Huh. Sounds like what you might get if you teamed Pan with Lorelei, the succubus character I created back in 1988—and who’s starring in StarWarp Concepts’ soon-to-be-published Mature Readers graphic novel Lorelei: Sects and the City (also drawn by Zeu)—instead of Pan’s shape-shifting mentor, Sebastienne “Annie” Mazarin.

(BTW, Annie and Pan were copyrighted in 1994 and 1998, respectively, in case you’re wondering. Although Pan’s history goes much further back than that…)

Odds are good I won’t watch the series—sorry, the only genre TV I pay attention to these days is Doctor Who—so all I can say is, good luck to Lost Girl. Considering how lame most of the shows on the SyFy Channel are, you’re gonna need it.  😀

Now where’s my Pandora Zwieback TV series…?

What Are…The 13 Days of Pan-demonium?

Can anything prepare you for the mind-blowing awesomeness of a dozen fantastic artists (plus me) presenting their unique interpretations of the one and only Pandora Zwieback? Okay, probably yes, but it works better (for me, that is) if you say no!

What are the “13 Days of Pan-demonium”? It’s a celebration of the release of BLOOD FEUD: THE SAGA OF PANDORA ZWIEBACK, Book 1, on sale now from Pan’s publisher, StarWarp Concepts. (Just click on the Blood Feud cover at the top of the sidebar for more information.)

Which artists are involved? Here’s the lineup: Neil Vokes (Doctor Strange: From the Marvel Vaults); Louis Small Jr. (Vampirella); Uriel Caton (JSA Annual and Pan’s co-creator); Elizabeth Watasin (A-Girl and Charm School); Teresa Challender (Wandering Star); Dave Hoover (Charmed); Eliseu Gouveia (the Pandora Zwieback e-comic); Chris Malgrain (Stan Lee’s Alexa); Henar Torinos de la Torre (Mala Estrella); Caanan Grall (contributor to Comic Book Resources’ “The Line, It Is Drawn” feature) Jim Coon; and Ciaran Lucas.

Ah, but in what order will these stunning pieces of art appear? The only way you’ll find out is if you check this blog each day for the latest masterpiece. A devious attempt to draw the attention of all you potential readers, you say? I call it genius!

Prepare yourselves! The hour of Pan-demonium approaches!

(That didn’t sound too hype-y, did it? … Naaaah.)

Welcome, Boils and Ghouls, Fiends and Nayboars!

Hey, there! Welcome to the Interwebs home of fictional full-time horror fangirl and part-time monster hunter Pandora Zwieback.

I’m author Steve Roman, and THE SAGA OF PANDORA ZWIEBACK is my first attempt at a dark-urban-fantasy book series. This isn’t my first time writing, however—if you check out the author section you’ll get all the background on my novel, short story, and comic book writing credits. (X-Men, Final Destination, zombies, succubi—I’m a reg’lar idea factory!)



As for the star of this book series…

Pandora Zwieback is a 16-year-old Goth who’s just discovered the world is brimming over with monsters, and a lot of them are fixed on either ruling humanity… or eating it! But with the help of an immortal, shape-shifting monster hunter named Sebastienne Mazarin—Annie, to her friends—Pan will learn how to stop them…hopefully. That’s the idea, at least…

(FYI, it’s pronounced ZWY-back, not “zwee-back.” Yes, both pronunciations are correct, but I prefer the long-I sound. In fact, at last year’s New York Comic Con I met two women with that very name—and that’s how they pronounce it, too.)

Pan’s story kicks off with BLOOD FEUD: THE SAGA OF PANDORA ZWIEBACK, Book 1, in which competing vampire clans seek the key to unleashing hell on earth—and the only people who can stop them are a teen Goth and her monster-hunting mentor. (And trust me, not one of these vampires is of the sparkly variety!) Click on the Blood Feud book cover at the top of the sidebar for more information.

The print edition of BLOOD FEUD will be available through the Starwarp Concepts webstore, as well as online stores Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble.com, WH Smith in the UK, and Angus & Robertson in Australia, among others. And I (and everyone at Starwarp Concepts) would certainly appreciate it if you helped spread the word and got your local indie bookstore to order it, too.

And don’t worry, e-readers! There are PDF, Kindle, Kobo, Nook, and iPad editions in the works, as well. I’ll keep you updated as each version becomes available.

But that’s not all the good news! To whet your appetite for my Goth girl’s weirdsome tales, check out the online schwag:

The Saga of Pandora Zwieback #0! It’s a full-color e-comic—with sample chapters from Blood Feud—in which Pan herself gives you the lowdown on her book series. Story by me, art and color by Eliseu “Zeu” Gouveia, the extremely talented artist of such comics as The Phantom and Infiniteens. You’ll find the comic link in the sidebar.

Downloads! Give your computer the fiendish makeover it’s always wanted with action-packed wallpapers of Pan and Annie, and print out your very own copy of the Pan bookmark that I hand out at conventions. Just visit the Downloads page to get started, and you’re sure to become the envy of every ghoul in the nayboarhood!

A Blood Feud trailer! Animated by Web designer extraordinaire Dave De Mond, using Zeu’s artwork from the Pan e-comic, it’s a fun little intro to Pan’s world.

And starting next week, we’ll be unleashing The 13 Days of Pan-demonium! It’s an artistic celebration of Blood Feud’s release in which thirteen artists present their unique interpretations of our resident Goth girl, with a new piece of art posted each day on this blog. More news on that in the next blog post!

That’s all for now. Thanks for stopping by, and…pleasant screams!