Chatting About a Goth Adventuress

Today at the book-review blog Fiction Fascination you’ll find an interview with me, conducted by the site’s owner, Carly. It’s one more part in my ongoing effort to make fans of dark urban fantasies aware of the exciting world of Goth adventuress Pandora Zwieback, starting with her first novel, Blood Feud. And since Carly is a major fan of Ms. Zwieback’s, how could I say no to a chance to talk about her?  😉

Carly and I cover such topics as my favorite books, my personal quirks, and what some of my writing inspirations are (a topic I’ll be discussing further at the Pandora Zwieback blog in the days to come). And then there’s this:

“At some point I became obsessed with a TV show on the Food Network called Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives, and I’ve been experimenting with recipes. I haven’t killed anyone yet…”

Not expecting a comment like that in an interview about a monster-hunting teen, were you? Hey, it can’t all be about gun-toting vampires and heroic Goth chicks, y’know!  😀

In addition to the interview, we’re giving away a signed copy of Blood Feud (still on sale in print and e-book editions). If you haven’t gotten around to picking up a copy, here’s your chance to get one for free!

Read the interview, and find out more details on the giveaway, by clicking on the Fiction Fascination logo.

Wonder Goth Powers… Activate!

Why, lookee here—it’s the latest positive review of Blood Feud: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 1, this time courtesy of the online fantasy-themed magazine Black Gate and its resident Goth Chick, Sue Granquist:

“Now you may assume that it was simply the cover art and the promise of a story with a Goth chick heroine that ultimately got me, but you’d be wrong. Actually, it was the first chapter that got me; and then the next, and then the next…”

So, it’s true, then: Zwieback is highly addictive…  😉

Read the entire review by clicking on the logo above.

Fascinated With a Fictional Goth Adventuress

D’oh! Here’s a review I missed—another positive one, of course!—from back in November (sorry, Carly!), courtesy of the blog Fiction Fascination:

“Pan is such a strong in-depth character, which I instantly liked and related to…. All in all a 5-star read.”

Read the entire review by clicking on the logo above.

The Queen of Queens

Well, this is a nice way to start off 2012—with further praise for Blood Feud: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 1! This time it’s from D. W. Jones of the online horror magazine Blood Moon Rising:

“Roman brings horror to NYC and spins a tale that keeps the reader enthralled….  I recommend this book for all horror readers and especially to young girls.

The fact that Blood Moon Rising’s offices are based in Queens, NY—Pan’s home borough—makes the positive reaction all the sweeter. I mean, who doesn’t love a monster-fightin’ hometown girl?

You can read the entire review—as well as a review of Carmilla, StarWarp Concepts’ first classic reprint (with illustrations by The Saga of Pandora Zwieback #0 comic artist Eliseu Gouveia)—by clicking on the cover. Don’t forget to check out the rest of the magazine!

Blood Moon Rising is also the sponsor of The Institute of Horror, Fantasy & Science Fiction, a one-day gathering being held this March at the main branch of the Queens Public Library, which is located in Flushing—a neighborhood that is immune to all your petty, childish jokes about toilets, so don’t even bother!  😀  Click the link in the Events listings for more information on the show.


The holidays are here, so what better time to curl up with your favorite e-reader and catch up on the doings of Goth adventuress Pandora Zwieback in her first novel?

Blood Feud: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 1 is available right now at the following e-tailers, for the quite reasonable price of $3.99:

•  (Nook Book)





•  (.mobi, ePub, PDF, RTF, Palm; .mobi, BTW, means it’s Kindle compatible)



•  (PDF)




Also available at DriveThru Fiction: J. Sheridan Le Fanu’s 19th-century vampiress novella, Carmilla—illustrated by Pandora Zwieback comic artist Eliseu Gouveia, and on sale for just $2.99.

Just click on the logos and start your last-minute shopping!

When the (Internet) Radio Is on


Last Thursday I appeared on the Scifi Diner podcast to promote Blood Feud: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 1, but that’s not all we discussed! It turned into an hour-long, freewheeling conversation that spanned my writing and editing careers, my fanboyish obsession with Doctor Who, the state of young adult fiction, praise for Pandora Zwieback artists Eliseu Gouveia and Bob Larkin, and even a plug or two for some StarWarp Concepts releases.

A big shout-out to hosts Scott Hertzog and Miles McLoughlin for allowing me to ramble on as much as I did, but once they got me started on a topic it was hard to shut up.  😀

Grab yourself a snack and a favorite beverage, then click on the Scifi Diner logo to head over to the show’s site and download the new episode. It’s a Pan-tastic interview!

On the (Internet) Radio

Sorry about the lack of updates around here these past couple of weeks, but have no fear—the Hype Hearse is back on the road! First stop:

This past weekend I had the pleasure of appearing on the podcast Sci-Fi Saturday Night to promote Blood Feud: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 1 and, despite all my uhh-ing (Gah! I hate doing that!) as I stumbled through the conversation, I had a good time. Learn the history of Gothopolis, and the secret influence behind the Pan series, then howl with laughter as I recount my brief misadventure trying out as a Batman Adventures artist for DC Comics. Good times, good times…

Just click on the logo above to head over to the show and give it a listen.

But that’s not my only appearance this month! On Thursday I’ll be interviewed by the folks at Sci-Fi Diner Podcast, and there are Q&A’s in the works for Reading Bites—the blog for the book-review site Monster Librarian—and Books of the Dead Press, the publisher of Best New Zombie Tales 2, an anthology to which I contributed. I’ll let you know when those interviews run—and whether more are coming!

Blood Feud: Not Just for Dark Fantasy Readers

It’s a new month, with a new outpouring of love for Blood Feud: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 1!

Over at the Web site for the weekly podcast Sci-Fi Saturday Night, reviewer “The Dome” has posted his thoughts on Pan and Annie’s first adventure:

“Equal parts Sorcerer’s Apprentice and 48 Hours, this is a mystic roller-coaster ride that glimpses a demonic past and uncertain future in the hands of two unlikely women who the fates have paired.”

Read the entire review here.

48 Hours, huh? Hmmm… I guess Pan would be Eddie Murphy, with Nick Nolte as Annie. (How’s that for a weird visual?) Well, Pan could certainly sing “Roxanne” all high-pitched and off-key, so it might work…  😉

Bonus News! “Illustrator X,” the guest coordinator for Sci-Fi Saturday Night, contacted me about doing an interview for one of the podcasts—of course I said yes! Stay tuned for further developments.

Zwieback: The Recommended Cure for Sparkly-Emo-Vampire Fiction

What better way to celebrate this post–New York Comic Con 2011 week than with more great reactions to the arrival of our favorite Goth girl on the monster-hunting scene?

First off, the prestigious Midwest Book Review has posted their review for Blood Feud: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 1:

Blood Feud is a fun and very much recommended read that shouldn’t be overlooked.”

Read the entire review here.

Then, over at the pop-culture site The Sexy Armpit, journalist Jay Amabile gives his thoughts about the Pan Zwieback introductory comic that he picked up at the StarWarp Concepts booth, during Comic Con:

“Cooler than Buffy, tougher than the emo wimps in Twilight, Pandora is a teenage goth girl fighting off ghouls and monsters in New York City.”

Read the rest of his super-positive recommendation of Pan in part 1 of his NYCC 2011 report.

Zwieback: Now an Official Goth-approved Brain Food!

I might be in the middle of attending New York Comic Con this weekend, but that doesn’t keep the good news from continuing for Blood Feud: The Saga of Pandora Zwieback, Book 1!

Lillian Hawkins of the Goth-culture site Gothic Blend has posted a great review:

“This modern day, urban Goth horror will have readers turning the pages to discover how Pandora comes to terms with a very old problem . . . encountering the monsters among us!”

Read the entire review here.