Critics Love Our First Pandora Zwieback Annual

pan_annual_lgForget all about that gun-totin’ “Trinity of Sin” gal from our Distinguished Competition—The Saga of Pandora Zwieback Annual #1 is the only comic starring a Pandora-named character that you need to be reading!

Don’t believe me? Then take the word of Aida Jacobs, the Girly Geek of the comic news Web site Word of the Nerd, in her review of our first full-length Pan comic:

“Steven A. Roman demonstrates yet again his ability to write in the voice of a teenage girl without resorting to the petty whining and needless angst that seem to plague a lot of the female teenage characters in books today… With The Saga of Pandora Zwieback Annual #1, entertainment is guaranteed.”

Read the entire review here.

And over at the site Comics For Sinners, reviewer Richard Boom had this to say about the annual’s lead tale, “Song of the Siren”:

“Creator/writer Steven A. Roman mixes young adult fantasy with some themes like ‘young love’ but also with equal parts of ‘female empowerment’ and lets Pandora be a real and true voice…. The art by Portuguese artist Eliseu Gouveia is just stellar and makes for a perfect match for the story!”

Read the entire review here.

Pandora Zwieback Annual Expands Pan’s Saga

You are aware that our resident teen Goth and YA novel star Pandora Zwieback has brought her monster-fighting skills to comic books with her first full-length, full-color adventure—aren’t you?

pan_annual_lgIn The Saga of Pandora Zwieback Annual #1 Pan tries to get her chaotic life in order by joining her boyfriend, Javier Maldonado, at one of his family’s picnics, only to run into trouble with an overprotective, holy-water-wielding aunt who’s not keen on her nephew dating a Goth chick. Then, as if Pan needed any more drama, one of Javi’s ex-girlfriends shows up to make matters even worse—and she’s got a terrifying secret. Stupid mythological siren.… “Song of the Siren” is written by me, with full-color art by Eliseu Gouveia (The Saga of Pandora Zwieback #0).

Two backup stories are included in this 56-page first issue: “After Hours,” a short tale of the “Paniverse” by writer Sholly Fisch (Action Comics, All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold) and comic-art legend Ernie Colón (Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld); and “Shopping Maul,” my first-ever Pan short story, about (blood) red-tag sales and Elegant Gothic Lolita vampires, with title page art and color by Elizabeth Watasin (Charm School). Cover art is provided by award-winning writer/artist Henar Torinos (Mala Estrella)

The print version of The Saga of Pandora Zwieback #1 is available for order from the StarWarp Concepts webstore,, and Barnes & Noble. Or, if you prefer your comics in digital form, it’s also available for download from our webstore, as well as from DriveThru Comics. Visit the annual’s product page for all the sales links.

Posted in Publishing Tagged

A Pan-tastic Comics Preview

Interested in taking a look at The Saga of Pandora Zwieback Annual #1, Pan’s first full-length comics adventure, which goes on sale May 22, 2013 at finer comic shops? Of course you are!

Head on over to the StarWarp Concepts Web site and check out the first six pages of “Song of the Siren,” a story written by me and drawn and colored by Eliseu Gouveia, who provided the art for the free comic The Saga of Pandora Zwieback #0 and StarWarp Concepts’ mature-readers graphic novel Lorelei: Sects and the City. It’s about Pan and Javier Maldonado’s first official outing as girlfriend and boyfriend, and the encounter they have with one of Javi’s old girlfriends—who’s not what she appears to be…

Also appearing in the annual is “Shopping Maul,” a short story I wrote that involves Pan, Javi, Pan’s best friend Sheena McCarthy, and and Pan’s monster-hunting mentor Sebastienne butting heads with a trio of Elegant & Gothic Lolita vampires. It sports a great title page illustration by artist Elizabeth Watasin (Charm School, The Dark Victorian). Plus there’s a “Tale of the Paniverse” by DC Comics writer Sholly Fisch (Action Comics, All-New Batman: The Brave and the Bold) and comic-art legend Ernie Colon (Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld), about a demon paying a visit to his favorite pub.

The annual is being distributed to the direct market by Diamond Comics Distributor and is currently listed in the March 2013 edition of Diamond Previews. Ask your local comic shop owner to order it today!


Pandora Zwieback: Coming to Comic Shops in May 2013!

Zwieback Nation continues to expand! First our Goth adventuress took the literary market by storm, and now Diamond Comic Distributors—the U.S.’s #1 comic-related distribution company—has picked up The Saga of Pandora Zwieback Annual #1, our first full-length Pan comic, for the direct market! And to make that easy to remember, just print out the handy product information listing you see here, take it to your local comic shop owner, and ask them to order it.

The Saga of Pandora Zwieback Annual #1 is Pan’s first foray into comic book adventures, not counting the introductory comic The Saga of Pandora Zwieback #0 (still available for free download). Behind some stunning cover art by Henar Torinos (Mala Estrella), you’ll find three tales: “Song of the Siren,” a 26-page comic story about Pan and her boyfriend Javier’s first date, written by Pandora Zwieback author Steven A. Roman, with art by Eliseu Gouveia (Lorelei: Sects and the City, The Saga of Pandora Zwieback #0); “After Hours,” an 8-page tale of the Paniverse by writer Sholly Fisch (Action Comics, Batman: The New Brave and the Bold) and artist Ernie Colon (Amethyst—Princess of Gemworld, Damage Control); and “Shopping Maul,” a Pan short story written by Steve, with title page art by Elizabeth Watasin (Charm School, The Dark Victorian).

The Saga of Pandora Zwieback Annual #1 has earned a Spotlight Title listing on page 343 of the March 2013 Diamond Previews catalog (currently on sale), and is scheduled to hit stores on May 22, 2013. But right now is the time to order it through your local comic shop!

Don’t know where your local comic book dealer is located? Then visit the Comic Shop Locator and help spread the word!



Hey, Where’d I Go?

An extremely belated Happy New Year to all you loyal Pan-atics. I apologize for the lack of updates in the last weeks, but I imagine you’d rather have me focusing on getting the second Pan novel, Blood Reign, into your waiting hands than spend time blogging. I’m trying to find a way to balance the two, though, so this site doesn’t fall too far behind in passing along the latest Pan news.

Anyway, what’s been going on since you last heard from me? Well, there was my December appearance on the Veterans Radio show At Ease, hosted by New York Times bestselling author/historian Dwight Jon Zimmerman, where I talked up Blood Feud, Pan’s character background, and how a guy with no military experience was able to write fairly accurate combat scenes (it’s all in the research).

And in January, Diamond Comics Distributors—the U.S.’s premier comic book and pop culture merchandise distributor—accepted StarWarp Concepts’ solicitation for The Saga of Pandora Zwieback Annual #1, a 48-page full-color special that goes on sale May 8, 2013. It’ll be listed in the March edition of the Diamond Previews catalog; I’ll let you know when you can pre-order your copy of the annual.

What’s in it, you ask? How about a story of Pan and her boyfriend Javi on their first date by me and artist Eliseu Gouveia (The Saga of Pandora Zwieback #0)? Then there’s a short tale of the Paniverse by writer Sholly Fisch—who’s been providing the backup stories for DC Comics’ Action Comics series (as well as writing the 2012 Action Comics Annual #1)—and comics legend Ernie Colon, co-creator of Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld and artist of characters as varied as Magnus, Robot Fighter and Green Lantern to Casper the Friendly Ghost and Richie Rich. And rounding out the contents is an exclusive Pan short story by me involving Pan and her “Fiend Club” friends clashing with Elegant Gothic Lolita vampires at a shopping mall, with title page art by Elizabeth Watasin, indie comics creator of Charm School and the author of the Dark Victorian series of steapunk adventure novels.

And just take a look at this great cover art by Henar Torinos, the Madrid-based artist/creator of the graphic novel series Mala Estrella (Bad Star):

Have you ever seen a better portrayal of Pan as a happy Goth? On the other hand, her best friend, Sheena McCarthy, doesn’t look too happy—but how would you feel if you had a bunch of monsters with skunk breath crowding you in?

Stay tuned for more exciting news!