Return of the Monster Hunter’s Jacket

For Pan-atics interested in having their very own replica of Ms. Zwieback’s unique leather jacket detailing, look no further than bomber jacket painter supreme Dan McQuality!

mcquality_PanJacketFrtEarlier this year I was searching for an artist who could duplicate the original Pan jacket painted in 2011 by our friend Bob Larkin, the legendary Marvel Comics and Doc Savage painter who provides the covers for the Pandora Zwieback novels. Dan’s site popped up near the top of Google’s listings, so I took a look and discovered that he was an amazing artist who specialized in working with leather jackets, mainly recreating the sort of nose art you see painted on bombers in World War II–era photographs. The question was, would a guy who does WWII art be interested in painting stick figures burning in hell and a giant devil head swallowing souls?

mcquality_PanJacketBkThe answer was an enthusiastic yes! As Dan explained, it would be a change of pace from the nose art, and provide him with a challenge to paint something (really) different. Not only that, but when I mentioned that the devil art on the back panel would be a recreation of a 16th-century woodcut, it turned out that Dan collects 16th-century woodcuts! It seemed like I’d found the right artist, right off the bat. (Even funnier was when I read his “About the Artist” bio, and learned that the guy I’d just commissioned to paint the devil is an ordained Lutheran minister!)

If you provide the jacket (available for purchase here), Dan will recreate the hellish scenes “Pan” painted on hers. And he offers a lifetime guarantee to repair the paintjob if it ever cracks!

mcquality_PanDaughterAs you can see, Dan did a fantastic job for me, then did another for his daughter (who’s now a Pan-atic herself). Check out his other stellar jacket work at his Web site and then drop him a line about getting started on your own—after all, you can’t fight monsters correctly if you’re not dressed right!