Pandora Zwieback and the Howling Commandos

Mark your calendars and adjust your Internet radios, ’Warp fans—Saturday, December 29, is the day when I’ll be appearing live on At Ease, the morning program hosted by bestselling author and historian Dwight Jon Zimmerman on the Veterans Radio Network!

The show starts at 9:00 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, and I’m the first scheduled guest. It’s my chance to introduce America’s fighting elite to the adventures of a certain teenaged Goth monster hunter, so let’s hope more than a few veterans listening in will be convinced that the first Pandora Zwieback novel, Blood Feud, is just the book they should be buying for their kids and grandchildren.

Veterans Radio airs every Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. Eastern on Ave Marie Radio. 990 AM WDEO, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1440AM WMAX Saginaw, MI and 98.5FM in Naples, Florida. For those of you tuning in via the ’Net, just visit the network’s Programs page and click on the “Listen Live” link.

Radio, Radio

Well, this is different.

Those of you who read my report on this year’s New York Comic Con may remember a visit I had at the StarWarp Concepts booth by Dwight Jon Zimmerman, New York Times bestselling co-author (with political pundit Bill O’Reilly) of Lincoln’s Last Days, a nonfiction examination of the events leading up to Abraham Lincoln’s assassination. Dwight and I go back a ways; in fact, he was my editor on the X-Men: The Chaos Engine Trilogy novels that I wrote in 2000 and 2002.

Anyway, at the con Dwight and I swapped books, with me giving him a copy of the first Pandora Zwieback novel, Blood Feud. Dwight e-mailed me a few days later to say he’d finished reading it and enjoyed Pan’s story a lot—so much so that he recently contacted me about appearing on his radio show At Ease, which is broadcast on the Veterans Radio network. Of course I said yes!

So on December 29, I’ll be hawking the adventures of a teenaged Goth chick who fights monsters to America’s warriors. Good thing I included a couple of battle scenes in Blood Feud to get their interest, huh?  😉

More details to come as the date gets closer.