Horror Street: Where the Gene Wilder Things Are

Welcome back to Horror Street, an ongoing journey in search of awesome yet spooky graffiti art on the streets and little-traveled corners of New York City.

This time around, it’s Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are meets Gene Wilder’s Willy Wonka from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory in this imaginative mural from 2017. I don’t remember where exactly I came across this art, but I have a feeling it was in Queens, and possibly part of that year’s Welling Court Mural Project, which I talked about in the last installment.


Sendak’s monsters, of course, make this a perfect fit for Horror Street. But as anyone who’s grown up watching Willy Wonka—not the Tim Burton-Johnny Depp misfire from 2005, but the 1970s classic—can tell you, the memorable Wilder-starring adaptation of Roald Dahl’s children’s novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory qualifies as a horror movie in its own right. (Then again, have you ever read the source novel? It’s wonderfully macabre.)

Stay tuned for further installments of Horror Street—there’s plenty of macabre graffiti art to be found on the streets of New York, if you look in the right creepy places! And be sure to check out my previous HS entries: the Brooklyn Vampire and the demonic D-Rod!