Well, That’s Interesting….

So, today at the news site Comics Alliance I find an interview with Christy Marx, writer of DC Comics’ reboot of their 1980s teen fantasy comic Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld (of which I was a fan, due to Ernie Colon’s incredible artwork). Even better, they ran a five-page preview of Sword of Sorcery #0—the series in which the new Amethyst will star—along with Marx’s interview. Fantastic!

Then I saw the first page.


A moody teen who wears dark clothes and dyes her hair, who also possesses magical powers. Huh. Storywise it fits in with other young adult series these days, but it’s the character’s design that annoys me. It looks so familiar I know I’ve seen it before…

Oh, yeah. On this site. On the cover of my books. In the downloadable comic (and the print version I used to hand out at conventions).

Jeezus, DC.