Halloween Movies 2022: What’s Your Monster Movie?

According to this popular meme, mine would be Curse of the Disco Zombies, which sounds right, given I spent part of my youth reading horror comics in the 1970s, at the height of disco. No doubt it stars Jaaaahhhhn! Revolta, shambling his way through the cemeteries of Brooklyn while boogeying with Karloff Lynn Gore-y to the tunes of the Bees?Geez!. “Stayin’ Alive” takes on a whole new meaning when your dance partner is a zombie!

It’s a timely question, because in preparation for Halloween this year, we’ll be taking a look at what some of the cable-TV stations will be offering in terms of spooky programming on All Hallows’ Eve. And don’t worry—if you need a break from all the blood and monsters, you can always swing over to the Hallmark channels, which are already knee-deep in their Countdown to Christmas movie marathons.

Celebrating Christmas in October?! That’s terrifying!

So, getting back to the subject…what is your monster movie?